Regular stationery classes in Zurich Thursdays 11:00 with Anja Atmadarshan

Happy to share that Anja Atmadarshan is teaching regular stationery classes (plus online) of classical yoga in English at Samatvam Yogaschule in Zürich

WHEN: Thursdays 11:00-12:00

WHERE: Kronenstrasse 37 Zürich, Kreis 6

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Trams 11&14 (stop Kronenstrasse), Bus 46 (stop Nordstrasse)

Selected yoga practices stimulate energy, promote mental and emotional balance and increase flexibility and strength. Each class includes mantras (sound vibrations), asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing practices) and shavasana (relaxation). Suitable for everyone and everyBODY:)


classes are lead by Anja Atmadarshan who is practicing Yoga and meditation since 2008, and teaching since 2013.
For more info check the button below

Contact: anjagrabska(@)

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